Sneak Peek Week - A Sea of Broken Glass
It’s Sneak Peek Week. I haven’t done one of these in a while. This week’s sneak peek is three-fold. A Sea of Broken Glass (formerly A Sea...
It's Sneak Peek Week
It’s Sneak Peek Week! I'm under the weather this week so I'm recycling a Sneak Peek from last year. A Sea Like Glass is one of my current...
It's Sneak Peek Week
It’s Sneak Peek Week. I’ve been eyeball deep in revisions for one of my projects. For this Sneak Peek, I’m offering up the first chapter...
Sneak Peek Week
It’s Sneak Peek Week! More from A Sea Like Glass set to release later this year. Demons are real, and they are hunting for Ris. A...
It's Sneak Peek Week!
It’s Sneak Peek Week! The last one of 2017. What happened to this year? Last time I looked, it was still February, dang it. A Sea Like...
It's Sneak Peek Week!
With less than 30 days, the countdown to the release of The Riding Hood Files has begun. Book 2 in the Twisted Files Series will be...